When Galaxies Collide!!!


To download the movies instead of view them on this page, click these links:
MWG_1p3M_S600_AvgVf2p5 (960x540)
Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600 version 1 (960x540)
Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600 version 2 (960x540)
Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600 version 3 (960x540)
Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600 version 4 (960x540)
Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600 version 5(1920x1080)
Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600 version 6(1920x1080)
Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600 version 9(1920x1080)
Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600 version 102(1920x1080)
Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600 version 104(1920x1080)


  1. Frames 1-232, except for 230.

  2. Render parameters



  1. Wide view of the entire simulation volume. Frames 1-474

  2. Render parameters


  3. Close view of the galactic disk, halo, and collision dynamics. Frames 1-474 with a few missing.

  4. Render parameters

                Laboratory for the Advancement, Understanding and
                   Generation of High Impact Natural Graphics
    Progress Meter "TOTAL EXECUTION TIME" active
    Progress Meter "Stamp Sparse Point Wisp Files" active
    Total particles: 1512001
    Center of mass: 2.11049 0.0266864 -0.768375
    Bounding box:  [ -801.711 -1213.86 -62.4375 ]  X  [ 801.711 1213.87 63.8742 ]
    Particle distribution: 1060000 (70%)    420000 (27%)    32001 (2%)    
    Progress Meter "Sparse Grid Normalize" active                    
    Sparse Grid Normalize:   Total time to finish: 00:00:00:21                                                                                
    Stamp Sparse Point Wisp Files:   Total time to finish: 00:00:01:30                                                                                
    Progress Meter "Render" active
    Render:   Total time to finish: 00:02:50:52                                                                                
    File /scratch/jtessen/projects/images/Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600.closeup/Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600.closeup.0400.png written by user tessendorf at Tue Jun 28 06:10:42 2011
    To obtain help, use the command line option -help
    CmdLine Values:
    Option	Value
    -eye	1400 0 500
    -turntable	-1 (default)
    -view	0 0 0
    -up	0 0 1
    -fov	15
    -aspect	1.77778 (default)
    -near	1000
    -far	1e+06 (default)
    -NX	960 (default)
    -NY	540 (default)
    -nbpatches	100 (default)
    -raysperpixel	7
    -scatter	0.001
    -maxpathlength	800
    -ds	0.15
    -color	1 1 1
    -emission	0 0 0
    -volume	filewisps
    -blendmethod	(no values)
    -noclamp	FALSE
    -clamp	0.1 (default)
    -stampNxNyNz	720 1120 320
    -sparsesize	4
    -stampsize	[ 360 560 160 ]
    -stamporigin	[ -180 -280 -80 ]
    -opacity	1e+06
    -blurscale	100
    -particlefile	snapshot_400_output.txt
    -colorscale	0.002 15.15 15.15
    -readdensity	 (default)
    -readcolor	 (default)
    -writedensity	 (default)
    -writecolor	 (default)
    -nodsm	TRUE
    -dontrender	FALSE
    -patch	(no values)
    -magickname	/scratch/jtessen/projects/images/Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600.closeup/Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600.closeup.0400.png
    -magickbrightness	1
    -magickgamma	0.1
    -magickblackpoint	0 (default)
    -magicklabel	(no values)
    -magickshowoptions	FALSE
    -magicknoowner	FALSE
    -magicknotext	FALSE
    TOTAL EXECUTION TIME:   Total time to finish: 00:02:52:24        

  5. Close view of the galactic disk, halo, and collision dynamics. Higher quality rendering. Frames 1-474

  6. Render parameters

                Laboratory for the Advancement, Understanding and
                   Generation of High Impact Natural Graphics
    Progress Meter "TOTAL EXECUTION TIME" active
    Progress Meter "Stamp Sparse Point Wisp Files" active
    Particle 1512000
    Total particles: 1512001
    Center of mass: -6.54834 -1.08525 -3.01065
    Bounding box:  [ -468.465 -707.889 -59.5168 ]  X  [ 468.465 707.889 59.5171 ]
    Particle distribution: 1060000 (70%)    420000 (27%)    32001 (2%)    
    Progress Meter "Sparse Grid Normalize" active
    Sparse Grid Normalize:   Total time to finish: 00:00:00:16                                                                                                   
    Stamp Sparse Point Wisp Files:   Total time to finish: 00:00:00:32                                                                                
    Progress Meter "Render" active
    Render:   Total time to finish: 00:05:25:48                                                                                                   
    File /scratch/jtessen/projects/images/Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600Closeup-0002/Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600Closeup-0002.0040.png written by user tessendorf at Mon Jun 27 21:45:32 2011
    To obtain help, use the command line option -help
    CmdLine Values:
    Option	Value
    -eye	1400 0 500
    -turntable	-1 (default)
    -view	0 0 0
    -up	0 0 1
    -fov	12
    -aspect	1.77778 (default)
    -near	1000
    -far	1e+06 (default)
    -NX	960 (default)
    -NY	540 (default)
    -nbpatches	100 (default)
    -raysperpixel	12
    -scatter	0.001
    -maxpathlength	800
    -ds	0.15
    -color	1 1 1
    -emission	0 0 0
    -volume	filewisps
    -blendmethod	(no values)
    -noclamp	FALSE
    -clamp	0.1 (default)
    -stampNxNyNz	720 1120 320
    -sparsesize	4
    -stampsize	[ 360 560 160 ]
    -stamporigin	[ -180 -280 -80 ]
    -opacity	1e+06
    -blurscale	10
    -particlefile	snapshot_040_output.txt
    -colorscale	0.001 15.15 15.15
    -readdensity	 (default)
    -readcolor	 (default)
    -writedensity	 (default)
    -writecolor	 (default)
    -nodsm	TRUE
    -dontrender	FALSE
    -patch	(no values)
    -magickname	/scratch/jtessen/projects/images/Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600Closeup-0002/Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600Closeup-0002.0040.png
    -magickbrightness	1
    -magickgamma	0.1
    -magickblackpoint	0 (default)
    -magicklabel	(no values)
    -magickshowoptions	FALSE
    -magicknoowner	FALSE
    -magicknotext	FALSE
    TOTAL EXECUTION TIME:   Total time to finish: 00:05:26:21 

  7. Close view of the galactic disk, halo, and collision dynamics. Yet higher quality, focuses on antialiasing. Frames 1-474

  8. Render parameters

                Laboratory for the Advancement, Understanding and
                   Generation of High Impact Natural Graphics
    Progress Meter "TOTAL EXECUTION TIME" active
    Progress Meter "Stamp Sparse Point Wisp Files" active
    Particle 1512000
    Total particles: 1512001
    Center of mass: -0.233513 0.43569 1.94501
    Bounding box:  [ -522.479 -793.076 -59.9159 ]  X  [ 522.479 793.076 59.914 ]
    Particle distribution: 1060000 (70%)    420000 (27%)    32001 (2%)    
    Progress Meter "Sparse Grid Normalize" active
    Stamp Sparse Point Wisp Files:   Total time to finish: 00:00:10:21                                                                                
    Getting bounding boxes
    Found 2415 bounding boxes
    Progress Meter "Render" active
    Render:   Total time to finish: 00:03:40:13                                                                                                   
    File /scratch/jtessen/projects/images/Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600Closeup-0003/Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600Closeup-0003.0100.png written by user tessendorf at Mon Jul  4 16:08:22 2011
    To obtain help, use the command line option -help
    CmdLine Values:
    Option	Value
    -eye	1400 0 500
    -turntable	-1 (default)
    -view	0 0 0
    -up	0 0 1
    -fov	12
    -aspect	1.77778 (default)
    -near	1000
    -far	1e+06 (default)
    -NX	960 (default)
    -NY	540 (default)
    -nbpatches	100 (default)
    -raysperpixel	20
    -scatter	1e-05
    -maxpathlength	800
    -ds	0.15
    -color	1 1 1
    -emission	0 0 0
    -volume	filewisps
    -blendmethod	(no values)
    -noclamp	FALSE
    -clamp	0.1 (default)
    -stampNxNyNz	1440 2240 640
    -sparsesize	100
    -stampsize	[ 360 560 160 ]
    -stamporigin	[ -180 -280 -80 ]
    -blurscale	0
    -particlefile	snapshot_100_output.txt
    -colorscale	0.001 15.15 15.15
    -opacityscale	1e+06 1e+06 1e+06
    -readdensity	 (default)
    -readcolor	 (default)
    -blurgrid	0 (default)
    -writedensity	 (default)
    -writecolor	 (default)
    -useboundingbox	TRUE
    -nodsm	TRUE
    -dontrender	FALSE
    -patch	(no values)
    -magickname	/scratch/jtessen/projects/images/Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600Closeup-0003/Merged_2p0_1p5M_s600Closeup-0003.0100.png
    -magickbrightness	2
    -magickgamma	0.159
    -magickblackpoint	0 (default)
    -magicklabel	(no values)
    -magickshowoptions	FALSE
    -magicknoowner	FALSE
    -magicknotext	FALSE
    TOTAL EXECUTION TIME:   Total time to finish: 00:03:50:36

  9. Close view of the galactic disk, halo, and collision dynamics. Yet higher quality, different camera position. Frames 1-474

  10. This is a 1920x1080 movie, so download it to get the full impact